Whatcha Lookin For...

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

the rules of the game.

hello again.....so im going to jump right in by saying.these are social rules. rules that will allow you to get along with just about anyone, without compromising your morals. i hope you all learn something here

A. ..if you have a story to share, make sure you run it through your head a couple times, so you aren't the only one laughing after the half hour ordeal you just put us through. there is nothing i hate more than a lame story. If no one is laughing while your laughing....then please please stop.
B. If you are not funny, then don't try to get everyones attention with jokes. The worst personality trait is someone who is not funny but still trys to get everyones attention with lame jokes.,It is true, one of the best way to get peoples attention is to make them laugh but if you can't do it, please don't try. Just to let you know, inside jokes between you and one other person in the room, will only make that other person uncomfortable and the rest of the room stare. and "thats what she said" will normally result in one person laughing (you) and your swift exit due to embarrassment. Catch Phrases from High School are not funny anymore, none of them. and your fathers humor doesn't work any more. Be original, be current, and be funny. If you cant be funny, then be pretty lol....if you want to get attention fast those are your options. Otherwise just be quiet. sometimes the coolest people are the people who don't talk.

C. find something in common with the group. Dont make people you see everyday feel uncomfortable around you. If you are awkward, then be awkward, but don't try to push your agenda on people from the second you meet them. If you're uptight then be uptight but dont try to make everyone around you the same way. i see it everywhere, the people that "suck" are the people that are different and in no way try to find something in common with the group. a group of friends are a group a friends because there is something they share that keeps them together. If you want to be in the group, find something that you can share with them. If you can't figure anything out right away, then just hang out and listen. listening is such a powerful tool. If you can listen and catch on to how they speak, what they speak about and what stimulates conversation, you can learn to add a new prospective to the group... being as you are "Different". in conclusion dont be the "i'm me and theres nothing you can do about it!" person, because most of the time, there IS something that is cohesive, and its up to you to find it.

D. when you're new, mind you P's and Q's. Dont be obnoxious, dont be loud, and dont be the center of attention. Make sure you are constantly laughing at others jokes, giving credit to others, telling them how great they are. Don't take beer, food, water without being offered. when you're new you are no one, and you have to make sure everyone accepts you before you can begin to expect respect. Respect is earned, so earn it.

E. Offer something to the group that they don't have. you are unique in someway, so don't try to be like everyone else. Yes there are some generalities you may have to mind, but there is always room for a fresh perspective. After they know you, they respect and accept you, then give them a reason to keep you around. Be useful, show them your talents, your skills, what you can do that they may never have seen.

F. DO NOT ACT LIKE YOU KNOW EVERYTHING. NO ONE AND I MEAN NO ONE LIKE THIS PERSONALITY TRAIT. Fact is you don't know everything. The funny thing is, i test people who do this. I have a person in my life right now that literally acts like they know everything before you even mention it, "yea i totally knew that" "yea i heard about that" "me too" "i knew about that" are incredibly annoying to hear especially when YOU DON'T! like i said i often test these people. i make stuff up just to hear them say "i heard about that" ...AND THEY DO. its unreal. Don't be that person cuz you never know when you're being tested wink wink. Also if you dont know, then you dont know, its ok to not know. don't make something up for conversation sake.

G. Learn to overcome those little phrases you use in every other sentence "o very cool" or "you can go ahead and you can (fill in the blank)" are two common examples used out here on the west coast. when you say something more than 10 times in one day, it becomes extremely annoying. Try to steer away from this. People will speak to you more.

these are pet peeves of mine, and i certainly am one of the most easy going people out there.So if it gets on my nerves, chances are im not alone. I hope this helps someone who is feel like they can't figure it out. but mostly this is something that people can use as an intervention tool. Because often times, the A-G people, don't even know what theyre doing. So help out a friend, show them this list, and set them free!!!!


Wednesday, July 28, 2010


So dave what did your tuesday look like.....Well friend, it was pretty normal until i ran into the Jersey Shore gweeds in the lot postin' a fresh commercial for the Chopper!! all Gangsta aside, i did run into these fine gentlemen on 2sday over at Towbin Dodge here in LV. The guys, in all honesty were not as gweed as one may think. They were actually pretty...normal. Other than The situation calling Rutgers the Grenade capital of the world, they really didn't throw any forced catch phrases my way, which was disappointing because that makes this post kinda boring.

in other news i want to say, to everyone who monitors this blog, thanks. I haven't posted much, because i live in the real world sometimes.

Now, playing off of my brothers last blog....soccer is stupid. Im sorry but i grew up in a country that lets you score 100 a game. I'm not going to sit in front of a TV for 90 minutes to end in a 0-0 tie, basically telling me that i wasted that time and i will never get it back. And its ZERO not nil. Thats stupid, nil is not a number. And yes we are a-holes because we call it soccer, and I'm fine with that, because football is and always will be the best sport in the world no matter how u slice it. when soccer players walk through an airport, you seriously would have no idea who they were if they didnt have their full length puma jump suite on. now if a basketball or football team or even a single player for that matter, walked through your airport, you would stare in awe at that gentleman.

The fact that its a sport that anyone with a pulse can play, makes it dumb as well. You can make the same argument for basketball but at least that host giant super humans that make the regular people stop trying. And you can play soccer forever, thats dumb too. Kids in Buckingham and Yardley start playing soccer at 2 years old, and continue to play until their great grandchildren are HS All-State. thats stupid, sports should be hard, they should require skill that the truly dedicated can only possess. Not running down the field kicking a ball to the other team, faking injuries (which i will get to later) and wearing horrible cleats.

And what do goalies do? Seems like their job description is to yell at everyone, over exaggerate easy saves, save only what is shot directly at their face, let in any goal that is shot in a "one on one" break away, and kick the ball 90 yards to the other team. Am i wrong? Where were the spectacular saves in the World Cup?

Also enough with this whole faking injury thing. its a good thing theres no "injury Report" in soccer, because it would be 27 pages long with each player having at least 9 separate boo boos. when someone gets hurt in baseball, football, basketball...its a torn,broken,fractured,dislocated something and theyre out. in soccer its a sweat mark, grass stain on the knee, large gust of wind, touching, almost a trip but no contact, looks like it could have been bad but wasnt, jersey tear... that leaves the soccer players motionless on the field.

And imagine this, Philadelphia eagles and the pittsburgh steelers in the Superbowl. Score is 36-30 steelers r winning. Eagles have the ball at the minus .3 yard line. 5 seconds left in the game Vick runs for a 99.7 yard touchdown to win the game everyone goes crazy, until the ref adds 3 minutes to the game for injury timeout. Are you kidding me?

The best part of the world cup were the vuvu's. they were classic and i wouldnt mind bringing them to golf, and or tennis. That'd make the games alot more exciting.

this is how Americans look at this sport. We watch it when we're in it...kinda like the Olympics. Whens the last time you watched cross country skiing outside of the winter games. NEVER. whens the last time you watched soccer outside of the world cup. NEVER.

to conclude, ties are stupid, stop crying, zero not nil, get longer shorts, its not that cold out, how can your country be bad if its the only sport you have, what the hell is a Yellow Card, thats dumb too, your hot pink cleats dont match, goalies are useless and soccer is embarrassing.

So Bo, i would say that you are not a soccer fan, you are simply an America fan and thats why u watched the world cup, and i believe you need to stick to that before you are annexed from our family tree.

Love always,


Monday, July 12, 2010

why i support child labor....


hello again...so i have been developing some content for a business journal that i will be putting together for my company this month and this is a topic i have been tossing around in my head.

It all started when i began analyzing why children are always so happy. What is it about childhood that fuels imagination, and what is it about experience that hinders us from imagining at all. (or at least giving validity to our imaginations).

The answer is failure, but before i came to that conclusion i had to look at one thing...

Children believe that anything is possible. they believe they can fly, they believe they can do anything, but they don't necessarily have the means to do it. Adults, on the other hand, have the means to do just about everything, but they don't believe it to be possible.

like i said before this all goes back to the idea of failure.

Children NEVER fail. They Learn.

"Failure" doesn't come until later, when we develop our own consequences for our actions. We then try to out-smart our imagination and say that "because i have never experienced this before...because i have never seen it done...there is no way that i can do this" and rather than try, we scare ourselves with the idea that we may not succeed.
We develop this monster that we call "failure", and we fear it. in fact we do (or don't do) everything we can to avoid it. The only part of our imagination that we take seriously, as adults, is the part that shows us what would happen if we did not succeed!

So does "adulthood" then mean "realizing failure"? It would seem so.

So then DAVE you're telling me that failure isn't real?

no, but i will tell you that we, as adults, go about it all wrong.

What if we saw failure the same way children do? What if it wasn't a monster, but a learning experience?

Now i know you have heard this a million times but put it into context...

You would never call a 6 year old a "failure" would you? No. Because you acknowledge that he/she is experiencing new things and learning. Another reason is because you don't want that 6 year old to be affraid to try new things and have new expereinces. But how is that any different that what we do from a day to day basis as adults? the only thing that makes us different, is that we DO call ourselves failures and as a result.... STOP TRYING.
Failure is real, because there has to be a word that mean "the opposite of success". But does it really have to be the monster we have made it out to be?

I look at it this way...Failure can motivate, or it can alleviate. Those are pretty much the only 2 reactions we have to failure


It can motivate us to push harder.
It can alleviate any drive in us whatsoever.

With these reactions comes two types of people too.

Resilient people
Everyone else.

And just for clarification, you are not resilient if you only apply the "failure is a motivator" mindset to 1 aspect of your life. it must serve and THEE mindset for your life.

Now imagine if you could harness the imagination of a child, and the means of an adult. Will you ever truly fail?

The fact is,if you're successful then you're learning, if you're learning then you're growing..and if you're not growing.......you're dieing.

so in order to grow you must "fail", so failure, is just another part of success.

so do i support child labor...obviously no, but there is some value to a child's mind. There is something there that we all wish we had back. and i think this is it...Children simply do not fail....why should adults?


Friday, July 9, 2010

I am definitely going to Vegas for my Birthday

So lindsay think I exaggerate because I say that I never celebrate my birthday, and obviously she has been to some of my bday parties that I guess I was never invited to, to this I say...poppy cock! So this year..my birthday just happens to fall on a friday....so to make up for all those missed birthday parties.. I'm packing up my stuff and goin to Vegas! Yup! I'm going drive 5 minutes to the Cesears palace or maybe the mgm grand, and I'm doin my 24th...or is it 23rd... Vegas style!truth is, since I got my job I've been telling business partners and clients that I'm 30, because no one takes a 23 year old seriously lol, its sad. But they seem to take me seriously, mostly because I remind them of the monster that was in their closet when they were 7...but hey Leverage = Advantage right Coach Strollo!

So my plan for my birthday is to literally have 3 birthdays in a row. My 24,25,26th birthdays will occur from july 16-18. This way, I can be respected in the biz world lol. so wish me a happy bday...next week...x3

Up next...
My take on Bron Bron


Monday, July 5, 2010

How many hours a day are YOU unconscious?.

Today was one of those days at work.... Ha, how many times have we said that...however this day which is familiar to me, may not be familiar to others...and i hope to change that

Maybe you don't know what this is like because you work for a Corporation w/ hundreds/thousands/millions of employees. maybe you just dont care enough about what you do to really ever end up in this position. Or maybe you only care part time, for your full time job...But i do not...and today my CEO approached me with an idea. ............Now let me pause and say that, as the head of Sales, i often meet with the CEO to discuss Sales and our process and our productivity etc. so this was not the neat part...for that...lets return to the scheduled program already in progress...........An idea that could change the entire industry of Personal/Professional Development. He didnt tell me how we could do, when we could do it, or where we could do it, he only told me that it could be done, and it could take this company to the top of the industry within 10 years. (Yes this is the same industry that boasts names like Zig Ziggler, T. Harv Ecker, and the infamous Anthony Robbins). He asked me what i thought about the idea. The millionaire CEO of this million dollar company asked me...if we could pull it off. Now...like i said, i talk to him often....but rarely in this manor. I was given the opportunity to assist in changing the face of a million dollar company, simply because my CEO believed that my best interests, were not in the number of zeros at the end of my pay check, rather the number of zeros at the end of the # of lives we change with our company.

The idea?...well you will have to wait and see...but the moral of the story...

is to simply Stop! Seriously look at what you do for a living. Over 60% of our live's are spent either sleeping or working.

Sleeping is simple, in that you do it in one manor, you have to do it to survive, there is little choice involved, and once its over you can get on with your life.

But do you feel the same about work...?

You already spend 6-8 hours a day unconscious under your comforter but Do you also spend 8 hrs a day, doing something that is simple, monotonous, simply because you have to...at work?

if thats the case then basically.....deductive reasoning would say that you are unconscious for 16 hours a day.

I told you the story above about me and my CEO not for the subject matter, rather, the underlining message.

I LOVE WHAT I DO. and because of that...the only part of my day when i am not having a blast....is when i'm in Dream land.

I'm only unconscious....when i'm unconscious. I get 8 extra hours of reality, while you are sleeping.dreaming.waiting for the weekend.

I dont want to sit here and pretend that i can teach you how to fall in love with your job....because there are about 1 billion different jobs out there, most of which i have never done.

But here are 2 tips.

Where ever you work, and whom ever you work for, cannot be a mystery. So many people have jobs that are actually a mystery. For instance if you work in sales at Lowe's (using my brother as an example because i know he's done this...and recently got promoted because of it) you need to understand that you are the most important person in that entire Global Powerhouse of a company. Because after all...NOTHING HAPPENS TILL YOU SELL! AND NOTHING SELLS TILL YOU HAVE SALESPEOPLE! That's step one, understanding your value as an employee and how it effects the company you work for.

Equally important is to align your morals and believes with that of the Company/CEO you work with/for. There are people working in this economy that cannot name their CEO let alone understand his vision for the company. Employees know the code of conduct, but who wrote it, why it was written, what it all really means...is a mystery. The CEO is nothing more than an occasional conference call or Video chat, and is never really a reality. I call this the "Wizard of Oz Effect". Those companies do that for a reason. Reality = Accountability...Presence = Accountability... When the person with the most power is in the clouds, its easier for them to treat you like garbage, because you are a number. When you gain a presences in their life, that is when your job changes.

So before you submit the Application. Make sure, at some point you can speak to the guy or gal who makes the decisions and truly understand why they do what they do and why your job, even exists..When you can align yourself with the Decision Maker, you can work more effectively, climb the corporate ladder and be a part of the decisions one day.

But this cannot be faked. You cannot ACT like you agree with the company's vision in order to get a bigger pay check. The funny thing about this is, when money is your motivator, you will not perform at your top level once you are financially satisfied. That makes sense right? What else do you have to work for? But if you are motivated by your work, by what you're accomplishing, by who your effecting, by what your creating, by what you are doing...not only does the money come, w.o you focusing on it, but you stop WORKING and you start LIVING. We live to chase a dream and create our own interpretation of a good life. And you can do that with your job.

The saying goes that you spend the first 8 hrs a day chasing your boss's dream, the second 8 hrs of your day chasing your dream. and the rest...dreaming. Although i agree that dreams (Both conscious and unconscious) are vital to our existence...what if we could align our dreams with our employer's dream...and spend 16 hours a day chasing our dreams?

Can Your work become a part of your journey rather than a deterrent?

I Live to help people. I live to effect lives for the better. My goal...
to touch 1 million lives.
to donate 1 million dollars to charity.
to help develop 1 million novel ideas in people around me.
to write 1 million pages worth of MY thoughts.
to create 1 Millionaire.
to live 1 million years, and if i cannot, to learn as if i will.

1 million is my number, and guess what...my job will get me there. I love what i do.

Do you?


Saturday, June 26, 2010

this is my job?

o my gosh look at this place.....is that a 3-D Tree?...whaaaat!....."sir are you heading to the networking gala?" ...well yes....yes i am... "allow me to escort you to the 21st floor" Thanks buddy.

this is how my night began...myself and my partner Etta then proceeded to room 2102....after starring at this enormous modern oak door, we ring the door bell and are immediately greeted by a room full of millionaires.....who couldn't be happier to see us.... i immediate thought

This is my job?

We then entered the million dollar condo on top of the city of Dallas....we were sitting on couches that were made of snake skin....staring at hand painted pictures of the owners....sipping cocktails and rubbing shoulders with Dallas's finest :)

O and did i mention the party was sponsored by Three olives Vodka? ........take a second and process that.

Full open bar....needless to say...i was happy.
and Etta of course enjoyed a few glasses of $1200 wine.

the night went on and i sold some tickets and invited some people to come to Vegas etc etc but the best part of the night was the 2 bulldogs that were roaming the party all night...it was my heaven. :)

the second best part was everything we experienced added to the fact that 90% of the guys there were gay...and gay guys are seriously THEE people to party with.(Side note: if you have never partied with gay males...you are seriously missing out...and im not talking the kind that want to stick their tongue down your throat..im talking about wealthy married dudes) ..i had an awesome time and met some amazing people....

now back to the 3-D tree....yes it was a three dimensional tree in the lobby....i felt like i was in the matrix.

Needless to say this event was the highlight of my trip here to Dallas.

once the sun went down we went out the balcony overlooking the city and took it all in. Three olives kept the night going with all kinds of samples of drinks i could not name nor do i need to...because they were handed to me hah...no ordering/tipping necessary

Thank you to everyone who showed me what its like to be at the top!

Very good night....still cant believe this is my job....lol


Friday, June 25, 2010

while we're on the subject....

So while we are on the subject...heres some other things that grind my gears......i will put this in bullet form

Thing i cant stand (and please...take offence to this)
-when you are merging onto a highway....and people are in the right lane and will not let you over till the last minute/or speed up to pass you

-taking the crust off your sandwich.


-People who don't say hi.

-comedians who are not funny

-cranberry juice

-pictures of things you see everyday in real life.

-Chinese checkers

-commercials that could be funnier

-Neck Ties

-the Ford symbol

-the fact that coca cola can make a zero calorie beverage that tastes exactly the same as coke...yet they still have the 800 calorie version to tempt us

-"Bagel Stop Lights" = stop lights that take so long, you can eat an entire bagel while waiting for it to turn green

-people who insist they can "off" someone... you're not tony soprano, and no you can't...thats murder

-the overuse of funny phrases. maximum use is 7 times per month

-80s music

-quoting movies that no one has ever seen...and laughing...by urself

-comedians that are not funny....did i say this one?

Things i like

-half price appetizers

thats it for now....more to come....
